Thursday, December 15, 2011

Homemade Rag Wreath

So, this is an awesome thing to do with any scrap fabric you have. If you don't have any scrap fabric, then it you can always buy some fabric for pretty cheap.

What you need:
Fabric strips - you will need a lot of fabric strips. I really do not know how many to tell you, but  I think I used almost a yards work of fabric on this wreath....maybe less.
A wire coat hanger.
hot glue (optional)
feathers, glitter, anything you want to add really.

Start with just a wire coat hanger and shape it into a circle. Then start tying your strips of fabric around the coat hanger. As I was tying, I would occasionally glue in a few feathers to add some extra decoration. Continue tying strips until you cannot fit anymore on the hanger. Cover the hook of the hanger in ribbon and then you are done.

For this wreath, I added an initial because it is a gift for someone and that is what they wanted. The initial is optional, but if you are going to add it, you should place it in before you tie all of the strips. I put this letter on using  wire, and I covered the initial in fabric and feathers so it would match the wreath.

There is lots of room for creativity so have fun and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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